Symptoms of Diabetes

Blurred Vision

High blood sugar levels can cause osmotic changes in the lens of the eye, leading to temporary changes in vision.

Fatigue and Weakness

Inadequate glucose reaching cells impairs energy production, leading to fatigue and weakness.

Weight Changes

Uncontrolled diabetes causes unintended weight loss as the body breaks down muscle and fat for energy when glucose cannot get into cells.


Without enough insulin or insulin resistance, cells can't take up glucose, causing cellular starvation and intense hunger called polyphagia.


As a consequence of polyuria, excessive urination leads to dehydration, causing a persistent feeling of thirst known as polydipsia.


High blood sugar causes excess glucose in kidneys, leading to polyuria.

Watch for symptoms

Common Symptoms

Blood sugar, also known as blood glucose, is a vital energy source for the body’s cells. Maintaining blood sugar levels within a narrow range is crucial for normal physiological function. Imbalances in blood sugar levels can lead to a range of symptoms and are associated with various health conditions. In this scientific overview, we explore the symptoms of blood sugar imbalance and the different types of conditions related to abnormal blood sugar levels.

Emergency Symptoms : Recognizing Critical Signs for Immediate Action

During certain medical situations, recognizing emergency symptoms promptly can be life-saving. If you or someone else experiences any of the following emergency symptoms, seek immediate medical attention or call emergency services without delay.

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